Strategie de opțiuni fără risc

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Bullish strategies[ edit ] Bullish options strategies are employed when the options trader expects the underlying stock price to move upwards. The trader may also forecast how high the stock price may go and the time frame in which the rally may occur in order to select the optimum trading strategy for buying a bullish option.

The most bullish of options trading strategies, used by most options traders, is simply buying a call option. The market is always moving. It's up to the trader to figure out what strategy fits the markets for that time period.

Moderately bullish options traders usually set a target price for the bull run and utilize bull spreads to reduce cost or eliminate risk altogether. There is limited risk trading options by using the appropriate strategy.

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While maximum profit is capped for some of these strategies, they usually cost less to employ for a given nominal amount of exposure. There are options that have unlimited potential to the up or down side with limited risk if done correctly. The bull call spread and the bull put spread are common examples of moderately bullish strategies.

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Mildly bullish trading strategies are options that make money as long as the underlying asset price does not decrease to the strike price by the option's expiration date. These strategies may provide downside protection as well.

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Writing out-of-the-money covered calls is a good example of such a strategy. The purchaser of the covered call is paying a premium for the option to purchase, at the strike price rather than the market pricethe assets you already own. This is how traders hedge a stock that they own when it has gone against them for a period of time. Bearish strategies[ edit ] Bearish options strategies are employed when the options trader expects the underlying stock price to move downwards.

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It is necessary to assess how low the stock price can go and the time frame in which the decline will happen in order to select the optimum trading strategy. Selling a Bearish option is also another type of strategy that gives the trader a "credit". This does require a margin account. The most bearish of options trading strategies is the simple put buying or selling strategy utilized by most options traders.

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The market can make steep downward moves. Moderately bearish options traders usually set a target price for the expected decline and utilize bear spreads to reduce cost.

This strategy has limited profit potential, but significantly reduces risk when done correctly.

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The bear strategie de opțiuni fără risc spread and the bear put spread are common examples of moderately bearish strategies. Mildly bearish trading strategies are options strategies that make money as long as the underlying asset does not rise to the strike price by the options expiration date.

However, you can add more options to the current position and move to a more advanced position that relies on Time Decay "Theta". These strategies may provide a small upside protection as well. In general, bearish strategies yield profit with less risk of loss.

Options strategy

Neutral or non-directional strategies[ edit ] Neutral strategies in options trading are employed when the options trader does not know whether the underlying asset's price will rise or fall.

Also known as non-directional strategies, they are so named because the potential to profit does not depend on whether the underlying price will increase or decrease. Rather, the correct neutral strategy to employ depends on the expected volatility of the underlying stock price.

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Examples of neutral strategies are: Guts - buy long gut or sell short gut a pair of ITM in the money put and call compared to a strangle where OTM puts and calls are traded ; Butterfly - a neutral option strategy combining bull and bear spreads.

Long butterfly spreads use four option contracts with the same expiration but three different strike prices to create a range of prices the strategy can profit from.

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An iron condor can be thought of as selling a strangle instead of buying and also limiting your risk on both the call side and put side by building a bull put vertical spread and a bear call vertical spread; Jade Lizard - a bull vertical spread created using call options, with the addition of a put option sold at a strike price lower than the strike prices of the call spread in the same strategie de opțiuni fără risc cycle; Calendar spread - the purchase of an option in one month and the simultaneous sale of an option at the same strike price and underlying in an earlier month, for a debit.

They include the long straddlelong stranglelong condor Iron Condorlong butterfly, and long Calendar. Bearish on volatility[ edit ] Neutral trading strategies that are bearish on volatility profit when the underlying stock price experiences little or no movement.

Such strategies include the short straddleshort strangleratio spreadsshort condor, short butterfly, and short calendar.

Dacă ar fi trebuit să definim hedgingul în cea mai simplă manieră ei bine, se reduce la 2 cuvinte… reducerea riscurilor.
